Construct better rat penis with adult stem cells; Gene helps fruit flies smell;

Stem Cell Research

> Adult stem cells helped build a better penis in rats, Science is reporting. Story

> Human embryonic stem cells developed by Advanced Cell Technology ($ACTC) helped improve vision in two patients, The New York Times reports. Story


> A specific chromosomal abnormality has both prognostic and predictive value for managing the treatment of adult patients with a rare brain tumor, the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group has determined. Release

> Researchers at the Moffitt Cancer Center and the University of South Florida have discovered that interaction between a specific type of immune system cell and myeloid-derived suppressor cells inhibits some T-cell function. Release


> University of Florida researchers have developed a gene therapy that might correct a common form of blindness. Release

> Boston University researchers and colleagues from around the globe have uncovered 13 genetic factors that determine how old a woman is when menopause begins. Release

> A global team of scientists has successfully sequenced the genome of Schistosoma haematobium, a blood parasite linked to bladder cancer, HIV/AIDs and the urogenital disease schistosomiasis haematobia. Release

> Fruit flies have a gene critical to their sense of smell, University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers now know, a finding they hope will help expand understanding of a corresponding gene--Dlx--in humans. Release

And Finally...

> Former U.K. government official David Nutt is pushing for relaxed regulations there so researchers can experiment with mushrooms, LSD, ecstasy, cannabis and other mind-altering drugs, BBC News reports. Story