NJ puts $150M stem cell research center on hold

New Jersey's planned $150 million stem cell research center has been put on ice as state leaders ponder how to proceed in the wake of voters' rejection of a $450 million stem cell initiative last year. According to the Star-Ledger, state officials had earlier insisted that they would go ahead and complete construction of the 18-story facility. But Governor Jon Corzine told reporters that the state's once ambitious plans for stem cell research are on hold until officials get a better assessment of their options.

"I'd like to have a director and I'd like to see what our options are on making sure that New Jersey continues to be the leader, or among the leaders on biotech research--particularly as it relates to stem cells," Corzine said. "And then we'll work together on our rollout of what our plans are."

- read the story in the Star-Ledger