Best Buy to begin selling CGMs, starting with Dexcom G7 sensor

This holiday season, the hottest electronic on sale at Best Buy just might be a continuous glucose monitor.

The retail giant will soon begin selling the prescription-only devices through a new online platform, it announced Monday. The exact timing of the launch wasn’t disclosed, but Best Buy said that the first device on offer will be Dexcom’s G7 sensor.

In recent years, the company has expanded rapidly into the health technology space, offering a broad range of hearing aids and health trackers alongside its usual slate of TVs, computers and other consumer electronics. The latest phase of that expansion aims to improve access to health management tools for the more than 10% of the U.S. population with diabetes, the company said.

Once the launch begins, interested customers will be able to shop for a CGM on Best Buy’s website, from which they’ll be directed to an online platform newly launched by the company to manage purchases.

The new platform is integrated with Wheel, a virtual care provider, to guide customers through the process of determining whether they’re eligible to purchase a CGM and, if so, tapping one of the telehealth company’s licensed medical professionals to prescribe a device for them.

From there, digital pharmacy services provider HealthDyne will step in to process the prescription and mail out the CGM to the buyer.

Best Buy didn’t disclose pricing details for the Dexcom G7 or other CGMs that’ll eventually be added to its virtual shelves, but it noted that its offerings won’t be covered by insurance to start, though they may be eligible for purchase using FSA, HSA and HRA funds.

The retail price of a one-month supply of G7 sensors is currently set around $375, though coupons and insurance coverage can shave hundreds of dollars off that price through standard pharmacy channels, according to Dexcom.