Spotlight On... TAVI patients may not need ICU admission after procedure; New app could reduce readmission rates, save serious money

A study published in The American Journal of Cardiology explained that intensive care unit (ICU) admission after a transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) may not be necessary. Researchers from the University Hospital of Montpellier in France studied 177 TAVI patients, classified as low- or high-risk. Of the 61 low-risk patients, only 1 experienced a "minor complication." However, of the high-risk group, 31 patients experienced "clinical events," most of which were conductive disorders that would require a pacemaker. The study concluded that "TAVI can be performed safely without ICU admission in selected patients." Abstract

> A new app from students at Binghamton University, State University of New York, could help reduce readmission rates, saving billions on readmission penalties. Article

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