App combo links imaging, randomization

By joining a medical imaging tracking application with a randomization and supply management tool, Perceptive Informatics is servicing two drug-development masters. Busy investigators and staff gain a new automation tool for managing ongoing trials. And trial managers get an automation assist in milestone and timeline monitoring.

The solution provider's linkage of its Medical Imaging Tracking application and its ClinPhone Randomization and Trial Supply Management technology provides for real-time image-tracking updates when an RTSM transaction is made via phone, web or the DataLabs EDC system.

During pre-randomization screening of volunteers, investigator staff contact the RTSM system. The screening triggers the system to post a message to the Medical Imaging system, which in turns adds the volunteer to the imaging database. The message includes volunteer demographics and site details. It starts an audit trail that captures dates, times and system users.

After the screening, the site again calls the RTSM system, this time to declare the volunteer eligible. The volunteer is then randomized, triggering the RTSM to post another message to the imaging database. This message updates the volunteer's status.

The automation eliminates redundant manual data entry and therefore reconciliation, the company says. Real-time queries on volunteer status aid site and subject management.

- see the Perceptive Informatics announcement