ALSO NOTED: Anadys names new CEO; Pfizer, Amgen gives to candidates; and much more...

> In the midst of a restructuring, Anadys Pharmaceuticals has named Steve Worland CEO. He had been head of pharmaceuticals. Release

> Amgen may have hit the ropes, but its ranks include some top donors to the presidential campaigns. Of course, a troubled Pfizer also made the top-donor list.  Report

> Bayer and Onyx ended a late-stage trial of Nexavar for liver cancer in order to dispense the therapy to all the volunteers. Nexavar is approved for kidney cancer. Report

> India's Venus Remedies has inked a joint venture with Pharma Match R&D to sell a new generation carbapenem injectable in Europe. Report

And Finally… A slate of presidential candidates will use forums in Iowa next week to discuss cancer research. Report