Roche cuts Tamiflu production as WHO funds new plants

Roche said it will cut its production of Tamiflu, as new supplies have outraced the spike in demand spurred by the threat of an outbreak of bird flu. But Roche says it can quickly ramp up production anytime it needs to, with a capacity to make 400 million doses a year.

- read the Newsday report on Roche

ALSO: The World Health Organizations is doling out millions of dollars to developing nations so they can build their own flu vaccine manufacturing facilities. Report 

PLUS: Indonesia has reneged on a pledge to resume providing samples of bird flu virus to WHO, renewing an argument over access to new vaccines. Developers say they need the samples to create new vaccines that would work against a mutating virus. Indonesian officials, though, say that vaccine companies only go on to develop products they can't afford. Report