FDA clears Plan B, ending FDA confirmation fight

After three years of regulatory limbo, Barr Laboratories has won the right to market the Plan B contraceptive without a prescription. Women over 18 will be required to show proof of their age to buy the drug while under age girls will still need a prescription. Plan B has been a favorite cause on both sides of the political divide. Opponents say that OTC access of what it calls an "abortion pill" would encourage promiscuity and further spread sexually transmitted diseases while backers have insisted that the FDA had to approve the drug before they would allow Bush's nominee to run the agency gain official title to his office. In the end, the shift happened swiftly as Andrew von Eschenbach signaled a desire to deal with the controversy and move on. Resolving the impasse over Plan B is likely to swiftly lead to a Senate confirmation of his nomination.

- check out the article on Plan B from The Washington Post