Ventner team gets clearer picture of full genome

The full human genome containing both sets of chromosomes is considerably more complex than the half-measure of DNA decoded by a consortium of academic groups in 2003. That's the conclusion of a team of scientists that decoded the full, diploid genome belonging to one J. Craig Ventner, the scientist who had competed in the race to decode the human genome. According to geneticists quoted in The New York Times, this newly decoded genome has become the new "gold standard" in genetics.

This newly sequenced genome of Ventner's is considered a significant new step toward the era of personalized medicine, when a detailed knowledge of a patient's DNA can be used to direct them to the right therapies. Ventner used the latest technology from 454 Life Sciences to decode the genome. By understanding the full complexity of the genome, researchers are better able to understand the genetic variations that trigger disease--and better equipped to find new therapies to fight illness.

- see the Institute's announcement for more
- here's the article from The New York Times

ALSO: New technology is making genetic sequencing easier and significantly less expensive, raising hopes of better medicine as well as fears that a person's genetic secrets will become public. Article

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