Synthetic resveratrol promises groundbreaking programs

The general public is rarely all that interested in preclinical research. And why should it be? In most cases, the science is years and years from arriving at patients' bedsides. But resveratrol is the exception to the rule.

Research has indicated that trans-3,4,'5-trihydroxystilbene--AKA resveratrol, which is contained in red wine--has extended the lives of a variety of animals in controlled studies. And the miracle cure crowd didn't take long before they started marketing supplements with the kind of advertising that made it sound like a veritable Fountain of Youth.

The Los Angeles Times takes an in-depth look at the scientific research and the clinical work now underway at drug companies. GlaxoSmithKline jumped into the field in a big way, nailing down the rights to some promising research work in a $720 million deal. But the scientific work is light years away from the supplements. David Sinclair, a pioneer in the field, says that the drug's real promise lies in synthetic versions that promise to block tumors, heal inflammation and eliminate toxins.

"The drugs in trials now will hopefully make resveratrol look like ancient history," he says. 

- check out the report in the Los Angeles Times