Salary survey shows big hike in scientists' pay

U.S. life scientists are feeling somewhat flush these days. The Scientists' fifth annual salary survey shows that median compensation in the U.S. jumped 15 percent since 2006, rising from $74,000 to $85,000. As usual, industry scientists set the pace, at $107,000 a year compared to $77,900 for academics and private institutions. And a growing slice of the annual take-home is coming in the form of bonuses. Close to 12 percent of company pay is provided for bonuses now, compared to only 3.8 percent in 1991.

The salary survey also shows some big gaps between women and men in science. Female professors with 15 to 19 years experience earned a median salary of $126,000 compared to $164,000 for men. And the coasts offered more than anyplace in between. Tenured faculty earned $150,000 in California while the younger set of assistant professors can often earn more than $100,000 in Massachusetts.

- read the article from The Scientist