Progress in Parkinson's research; seasonal affective disorder linked to gene mutation;

Stem Cell Research

Scientists in Scotland are prepared to report progress in developing a new stem cell therapy for Parkinson's disease. The therapy involves injecting new stem cells that develop into the neural cells needed to produce dopamine. But years, perhaps even decades of more work will be needed. Story

Scientists at MIT have been advancing new heart scaffolding made of biodegradable material. The scaffold is being seeded with stem cells to grow a new heart. Report

StemCells reported that its HuCNS-SC product candidate (purified human neural stem cells), when transplanted into a well-established animal model, can protect the retina from progressive degeneration. Release

As more Irish universities launch plans to initiate stem cell research programs, the government is being urged to take some stand on the issue. So far, the country has no legislation governing the field. Report


A new study indicates that seasonal affective disorder may be linked to a genetic mutation in the eye that makes a SAD patient less sensitive to light. Release

University of Cincinnati researchers have discovered a gene that helps control the secretion of acid in the stomach-information that could one day aid scientists in creating more efficient treatment options for conditions such as acid reflux or peptic ulcers. Release

European researchers have pinpointed a genetic mutation in mice linked to progressive hearing loss in humans. Story

Cancer Research

Researchers have identified new biomarkers that can warn of looming esophageal cancer. Report

A teleconference sponsored by the American Society of Clinical Oncology focused on the role of biomarkers in developing a new wave of personalized cancer medicines. Report

Mammalian cells with extra chromosomes share some common traits that could be exploited to develop cancer treatments, according to MIT biologists. Story