New target for Alzheimer's disease; MIT study highlights RNA-binding proteins' role in cancer; Broad's Altshuler bound for Vertex;

> A new study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation suggests that triggering the CXCL10 receptor, CXCR3, contributes to the pathology behind Alzheimer's disease. The research indicates that CXCR3 could be a new target in the field. Release

> An MIT study points to a family of RNA-binding proteins, known as Musashi proteins, may be involved in spurring the proliferation of cancer cells. Release

> A little more than four years ago Thomson Reuters selected David Altshuler, the deputy director and chief academic officer of the legendary Broad Institute as one of the world's "hottest" researchers. And today Vertex ($VRTX) announced that he'll be bringing the heat to the Boston biotech as its new CSO, taking the place of the pioneering Peter Mueller. Story