Nanoparticles used to destroy tumors

Researchers expect to advance nanoparticle tumor therapies into the clinic this year, hoping to develop a radical new approach to fighting cancer. Researchers at Rice and the University of Texas Health Science Center have been testing nanoparticles in animal models for several years. Tiny, gold-coated spheres are injected into the blood stream and congregate in the tumors. By shining an infrared light through the skin, the researchers can heat up the nanoparticles inside and destroy the tumor. Complete remission has been achieved in animals. If the same holds true for humans, it would offer a fundamentally new approach to tumor therapy, doing away with chemotherapy that is often attended with harsh side effects.

- read the report on nanoparticles from Technology Review

ALSO: Two University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy researchers have won a patent on a manufacturing process for nanoparticles. Report