Embryonic stem cells can be transformed into heart cells; Caffeine might prevent UV-associated skin cancer;

Stem Cells

> Researchers from the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology in Singapore show that human embryonic stem cells can be transformed into heart cells, holding out more promise for growing replacement hearts. Report

> Tel Aviv University researchers stimulated stem cells with a low-energy laser to help them heal damaged heart tissue after a heart attack or other cardiovascular event. Report

> A dog who suffered burns on his paws after being left out on a hot roof for at least 10 hours has undergone a unique stem cell procedure in an attempt to grow back the pads on the dog's paws. Story

Cancer Research

> Drinks containing caffeine could be good for more than a morning jolt. They might actually help prevent UV-associated skin cancer by inhibiting a DNA repair pathway that kills cells after exposure to the sun. So, sunblock might come with a latte someday. More here

> By developing new STAT3-inhibitors, researchers at Lund University in Sweden are developing targeted therapies that attack the stem cell-like cells in prostate cancer to prevent the tumors from growing. Release

> Anti-inflammatory drugs, including ibuprofen, reduces the severity of postpartum breast cancers in tests on animals, although the researchers warn that more tests are needed before they can recommend it for humans. Report


> Those who fail to recover over the long term from anorexia nervosa and bulimia all have a few genetic patterns in common. This raises the hope for new, better treatments for eating disorders. Report

> Researchers in Toronto gain new insights into the genetic causes of rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune disorders in another step along the way toward new treatments. Release

> A new app for the iPhone and iPad, called Gene Screen, offers info about 28 recessive genetic diseases, 19 of which occur more among Ashkenazi Jews (those of European descent). Item