Implant successfully predicts human epilepsy seizures

NeuroVista's implantable device successfully and correctly predicted epilepsy seizures in some adults for whom drugs haven't worked, a new proof-of-concept study found. The study, performed by researchers at the University of Melbourne in Australia, involved 15 patients with an implant of electrodes between the skull and surface of the brain that measure EEG data, which are, in turn, connected to an implant under the skin of the chest. That implant transmits data to a handheld device that determines the likelihood of a seizure. And it worked with more than 65% "high warning" sensitivity in 11 of them after its initial use. For eight of those 11 patients, however, sensitivity ranged from 56% to 100% four months after activation. While the initial results are promising, more research is expected as part of longer studies involving a greater number of patients. And they will likely tweak details involving the implant's use. Details are published in The Lancet Neurology. Release