Government tightening protections against health data breaches; patent granted for phone/web system matching patients, trials;

> HHS, via its civil rights arm, says it will scrutinize providers' breach notification and risk mitigation plans; the National Institute of Standards and Technology will outline steps to mitigate risks for data breaches, and provide training on how to prepare for and respond to them. Blog

> Axcan Pharma, a three-year user of Medidata Rave, is extending its use of the electronic data capture and clinical data management system by bringing the study build and execution functions in house via Medidata training. Release

> EmergingMed has been granted a patent for its phone- and web-based system for matching patients with clinical trials, prequalifying subjects, and providing information for patients to lean about available trials and sites. Announcement

> MediciGlobal is keeping pace with the spread of subject recruitment to online media, hiring Jamie Michels to take on social media advertising and e-marketing in addition to such traditional media as print, radio, television and outdoor. Release

> PatientsLikeMe says that drug developers need to think about patients as partners that help them complete trials. Article