Complete Genomics stocks up public genome repository

Have you downloaded the latest Kenyan genomes from Complete Genomics? The Mountain View, CA-based provider ($GNOM) of genomic sequencing said that it has added 29 complete human genome sequences to its online repository, which was announced on Feb. 3 with an initial 40 sequenced human genomes.

To the company's knowledge, this is the largest public repository of sequenced human genomes, the firm told FierceBiotech IT in an e-mail. That means that interested parties can download the data for free. The 69 genomes in its repository come from two sources at the Coriell Institute for Medical Research in Camden, NJ. Also, the recently added genomes include those from people in Puerto Rico, those from multiple generations of families, and those from Maasai people in Kinyawa, Kenya, among others.

Since Feb. 3, more than 30 terabytes of data have been downloaded from the repository from more than 550 IP addresses, according to the company. The firm told FierceBiotech IT that some of the institutions that have downloaded the genomic data include Seattle's Institute of Systems Biology, Stanford University, and the University of Illinois, among others. The data--which are also available on the Bionimbus and DNAnexus sites--could help researchers conduct analyses to identify likely disease genes and other studies that could improve human health.

Researchers have previously analyzed most of the genomes that Complete Genomics added to its repository as part of the International HapMap Project and the 1000 Genomes Project.

- here's the Complete Genomics release
- read Bio-IT World's story