A call to action on pharmacovigilance; New Rosetta modeling protocols for computational biologists;

> An international group from academia and the private and public sectors has hammered the Minimum Information about a Bioactive Entity (MIABE) data standard for describing the effect of a drug on a biological target. Release

> An op-ed piece in The Scientist argues that, while governments have advanced pharmacovigilance programs, much work needs to be done to monitor the safety drugs distributed around the world. Opinion piece

> PLoS One has made the RosettaCon 2010 available to provide researchers with open access to some of the latest macromolecular modeling protocols. Blog post

> Outsourcing-Pharma has rounded up some new product-related announcements from such EDC providers as BioClinica, Max Neeman, Clinovo, StudyManager and DZS Software Solutions. Item